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Heavenly_King said:
Weedlab said:
Heavenly_King said:
I am buying 3 copies of GOW:ASCENSION FUCK YEAH!

Post a picture of them when you do. Put a note by the 3 copies as well so we can be sure it's you. :D

I have already paid in full GOW:A CE in the US, but I am in Brazil right now, so considering I want to play it NAO (march 12), I have already pre-ordered a copy here ($75).  And if what SSM said in the blog was an indication of things to come, it might be possible for the game to come to the PSN, so that would be the 3rd copy of the game :D.

Kind of difficult to have a picture side by side considering I wont have my CE untill june. But still, I will try to do that.

I have also 3 copies of GOW3.   the CE, the normal edition, and the GOW SAGA edition (all games plus a statue). XD

Wow you go boy lol. I ordered the CE and that one will have to do. I MUST have that statue! :D Yea I understand you. I have MANY different versions of MGS2 and 3 and I intend to get MGS HD when I go back home.

I was only playing about the picture. I wasn't doubting you lol If it's anybody who is going to get 3 copies of GOW it's you. :D I'm a collector as well so I figure I'll get SAGA in addition to the other stuff later.


By the way ... I figure this should make you happy. I came across this earlier.

God of War dev: 'there's still life in Kratos'

  • Posted March 8th, 2013 at 11:32 EDT by Mike Harradence


The developer behind God of War: Ascension has said that it believes series protagonist Kratos still has life left in him, despite starring in six core titles in eight years.

God of War debuted on PlayStation 2 back in 2005, and the franchise returns to our screens once again next week with the release of Ascension; a prequel which tells the story of Kratos and his attempts to battle free of the God of War, Ares.

However, despite his lengthy gaming career, Sony Santa Monica Studios doesn’t believe Kratos is ready to retire and mow the lawn just yet.

Speaking to CVG, lead designer Mark Simon commented: "I think there's still life in Kratos. He's a fun character to design games around and I love playing him."

“Yeah, I think the fantasy of Kratos is always compelling. “There’s not many characters that are like him,” concurred lead combat designer, Jason McDonald.

Our review of God of War: Ascension is now live for your viewing pleasure. The game itself is released on March 15, exclusively for PS3.


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