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Though not whole-heartedly, I can get behind what this thread is about. The game is good for a first attempt, as we hear so often, but as a stealth game , it has one glaring shortcoming : the blink ability. Anyone who enjoys stealth games in general will know that they usually involve a LOT of pattern memorization. With the blink, you can get behind an enemy from a position of cover instantaneously. This makes it extremely gamer friendly, but a bit of a failure as a stealth game. I wont comment on the story, cause im a huge fan of the Hitman series, and they are notoriously thin on plots, but while playing Hitman, i dont care about the plot, since I just have too much fun eliminating my targets each mission with a silent assassin rating.No such joy in Dishonored, im afraid.It can definitely get better with iterations but i think with the first game, people were just too hyped with it being a new IP from Bethesda, to really scrutinise it.