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I'll say I hope you enjoy your purchase.

- Right now on PS3 there isn't much your missing, this year that will change with the great games coming. Theres like 100 topics on the great games coming, so i won't name them. You should buy the PS3 around the start of 2009, that would be perfect cause most games would be out and FF13 would be close.

- On 360 your missing it in its prime. Halo 3, Gears of War are out. After GTA4 it will only go downhill (imo), with a few speedbumps on the way such as Fable 2, Too human, etc. to slow down its downfall. I'd say buy it now before its too far past its prime.

- Wii I can't really say. I think with SSBB and SMG and others out already its hitting a peak. I think it will be slow till Mario Kart comes around.