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Linkzmax said:
Stefl1504 said:

May I ask to detail this claim a bit more? I think what I know what you are getting at, but I want to make sure.

Similar to last round when I called Yoshi town for jumping out of the gate with a hint at who his characater was. Mario was quick to direct suspicion at both of us, though he did it horribly.(and should have been lynched. Damn spurmoza and my overconfidence!) Point is, when vocal townies are doling out a lot of implicit trust, scum worry they're running out of room to hide.

hat made a quick judgement about Bong Lover's post as well as other things, like your miller claim. nen was quick to point out Bong isn't sure town, and then push suspicion on hat. He's further gone on to link the two as scumbuddies, rather than consider hat is buddying up to newb town.

I posted that recently after you made your observation...... seems to me you didnt really have any valid reason for suspecting me

at all at that time....thats unlike you Linkz.

Also I linked the two After Bong said he suspected me (right after Hat did).

HoS: linkz

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