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happydolphin said:

Nen being dark as usual, seeing evil where I see it not. Who knows, he may be right.

Blacks are evil now. What can of town is this? I want out!

supermario128 said:
nen-suer said:

TObvious scum is obvious.

Na bro. I was just letting town know I wouldn't be posting so that I don't look suspicious by simply "checking in" and then darting away.

I can usually tell when you are scum, but you did mess me up that one game.

You said I was town very early on in that game and I trusted you because of it, for some reason..

Now, you go after me very early this game. Even if it is jokingly.

Could be a change of strategy, or I could be over thinking this.

Either way, FoS Nen.

You can't read me no one does. It's just I have high probability of being mafia (I think it was 80% according to sfel table)

That's why I'm a good investigation target and a possible mislynch. That's why I tend to survive a long time.

It's a gift and a curse.

supermario128 said:
Stefl1504 said:

Greatings from the miller

What would you do if I claimed miller right now? 

Well I'd lynch stefl Just to teach him a lesson even if there is a small chance we have two millers.

Thats if your telling the truth of course.


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