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ssj12 said:
sieanr said:
ssj12 said:
HappySqurriel said:

A moderate install of a couple of gigabytes on the occasional game is not that big of a problem, but I am somewhat worried about what will happen over the next couple of years if Sony releases a system with a larger hard drive and developers try to push the PS3 harder.

its not just Sony's problem. Mircosoft's also allowing this with their "HDD required" games. It's even worse for the 360 owners who only bought the core or arcade models as they have to go out and buy an HDD. At least PS3 and 360 Premuim/Elite owners have HDDs.

Burnout Paradise on the 360 requires an HDD for Online play. Same with Crackdown.

In those cases the HD is being used to cache game data, which is a far ways off from install. I believe caching is used by most PS3 games, and having an optional install is fine. But requiring an install is fucking stupid - especially when its a console and takes 20min to install.

Oh, and prologue was never released in the US, as you asserted earlier.

yes GT4L prologue and GT3: prologue were both released in the US/Eu

 No they weren't. The first GT Prologue title to release in the US, will be GT5 Prologue.