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I'm not a particularly big Sony fan but they do deserves huge props for how they managed to turn the PS3's fortunes around, it was looking dire for quite some time.

Having said that, even if PS3 manages to crawl past the Wii's total sales, that's not really a win, not in any meaningful sense. It will be a great milestone, given the start that the PS3 had, but that's it. You are comparing a system that, in the end , will have sold about the same numbers, the majority in about half the time and earned it's makers billions of dollars profit within the space of 3-4 years, with a system that slowly achieved the same sales and, although now profitable, cost its makers billions of dollars.

People seem to now forget the 6 billion dollar hole the PS3 created in Sony's finances. Sony have made the best of a bad start and in the process made many gamers very happy, but they will never make that money back. Sales are great but in the end, for all console makers, they are purely a means to earn profit.