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With this gen wrapping it's about time we look at the best franchises from this generation (last gen). 

1. Mass Effect- I haven't actually played Mass Effect 3. I'm well aware the ending apparently sucks but it's still the deepest franchise to come this generation.

2. Bioshock- Two amazing games and a 3rd one to come. This might go on to grab the 1st spot as long as Infinite lives up to the hype and has a good ending.

3. Uncharted- All around a great trilogy. Not consistent though. The 2nd game is easily the best and the 1st is easily the worst. Might have been my favorite franchise this generation if the ending of the 3rd game wasn't fucking awful.

4. Resistance- Really underrated series. The first game got me into MP with some of the best multiplayer I've ever played and a solid campaign to back it up. The 2nd game really changed things up with the MP and it worked, has a pretty good campaign too. Resistance 3 really screwed up with multiplayer but it has one of tbe best FPS let alone campaigns in general I've ever played. 

5. Batman Arkham- Obviously Batman isn't a new franchise but Arkham is a new franchise within a franchise. The Arkham games moved past every other shitty Batman game and finally gave Batman fans what we want.

6. Infamous- Solid series all around. I found the first game to be great, the 2nd game to be a huge Uncharted 2 style leap and from what I've played of Festival of Blood it's a nice little Infamous game.

7. Assassin's Creed- Love the 2nd game and I enjoyed brotherhood. The first game is horrible. I haven't played the other games yet though.

Honorable Mentions: Gears of War (I find the series very overrated but it's still a good franchise), Dead Space (Loved the first game and couldn't stand the 2nd game), Transformers Cybertron series (must play for any Transformers fan that finally gives us some justice),  Borderlands (First game was decent and the sequel improved in every way), Valkyria Chronices (thanks Sega for not bringing over the 3rd game and moving away from PS3)