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Ouya will win

The OUYA will fall on its ass, mark my words. Its attempting to wedge itself between markets that are already crossover markets, there is no room for it on the market. Its the hardware idea of smartphones (update every year) with a fraction of the connectivity and multimedia and the hardware will even be weaker than a phone or a tablet, the need to buy a new one every year to keep up with the games will make the low cost of 100$ per unit seem high since you'll need to purchase five to six units in the span of one console lifecycle. The vast majority of developers have their eyes set on traditional games, Freemium or simply phone/tablet contents and apps, there is no space for this thing to occupy.

OUYA will be a terrible flop. I could be wrong and will gladly admit so but find it extremely unlikely, there is no motion in the market to tell that this is a good idea that will lift properly off the ground, time will tell though, so stay tuned!