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Sega does what Nintendon't, so you can;t sacrifice Nintendo for Sega. I also wouldn't sacrifice Sony because Sony succeeded in developing a console which can hold it's own against Nintendo, and really helped push the JRPG envelop, and remove development obstacles (Like N64/Gamecube Cartridge space).

Microsoft however is it's own thing, but could I sacrifice them? I dunno. Microsoft helped transition western PC games onto consoles, and have a unique library. Gears of War and Mass Effect, while not Microsoft IP's, were brought to frutation because of Microsoft, and they also made Halo last gen. MS has the capability of making a great IP every couple years.

Apple however.... iPad games are mindless crap, and they are hurting Nintendo handheld sales. I say down with Apple.

If I were restricting myself to the big three though, I wouldn't kill anyone off. Instead I think Nintendo should buy Sega/Sammy, and Make sega games exclusive to Nintendo. Sega makes games which mirror Nintendo, and I think they both have an overlapping audience. Having Sega games exclusive to Nintendo would really give Nintendo a portfolio.


Think about it, who makes the best JRPG's? Square Enix (which is shifting a lot of their attention/exclusives to Nintendo lately), Nintendo (XenoBlade, Last Story, Paper Mario, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, etc), Sega (Valkyria Chronicles, Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon, Shining, etc) and Namco (Tales of Series). Tales games typically go exclusive on random platforms, but as long as Nintendo gets 1 Tales exclusive, Nintendo would be king for JRPG's.

Now what about Platformers? What are the big names? Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Ratchet & Clank, Banjo Kazooie. Kirby and Yoshi, among others. Nintendo has most of the big names, adding Sonic would give Nintendo another universe of platformers (much like Kirby is in a different universe then Mario/DK/Yoshi). Nintendo wouldn't be the definate king, especially if MS pulls their heads together and develops a good Conker/Banjo Kazooie game, but they would be on top.

Plus Nintendo, Sega, and Konami are the only people who publish Platnium Studio games, this would make that studio appear almost as exclusive to Nintendo.

Plus I think a lot of Sega's smaller franchises suite Nintendo, meaning Nintendo fans would likely purchase them. Games like GunStar Heros, Otogi, Shenmui, Super Monkey Ball, Shinobi, and Vectorman. The only Sega IP which looks out of place on a Nintendo Platform is Yakuza, but that would really help Nintendo.


So no one should be removed, Sega should merge with Nintendo and make a proper 2D Sonic the Hedgehog game, plus a few exclusive JRPG's.

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