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I think folks are basing the patterns off a month or two, including holiday sales.

The PS3 is doing good in Japan, ok in NA and a wii bit better in Others. For the record, the 360 sales are stagnant - with MS having to pay nothing to compete against the PS3. Seriously, think about what it took for Sony to get into this spot where they are FINALLY outpacing the 360. Mind you, MS had that stinkin' $50 price cut in the entire two years it has been out.

Folks talking about the millions that the PS3 will narrow the gap are simply foolish. Yeah, the PS3 is a good machine, and the main thing it has going for it is - Blu Ray. With the *war* nearing a close, folks are gonna buy a PS3 for the Blu Ray playing aspect. The games won't outsell the 360 in the near future.

I think the PS3 will shave the lead by a million, maybe a million and a half. But to think the PS3 is gonna overtake - or even come close to the 360 in total sales is nutz.