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FinalEvangelion said:
Darc Requiem said:
I say this. I can't take anyone that sites MS's hardware issues with the 360 as reason to go to Sony seriously. Sony has the worst track record when it comes to hardware reliability. What's worse than that is their response to the issues. Sony's response to hardware issues is to bury their heads in the sand and deny that their is a problem.

The reason to pick Sony would be software. Sony has numerous high quality first party IPs that you can't get anywhere else. That is an undeniable fact. Picking Sony for hardware reliability is the epitome of an oxymoron.

Umm...  MS denied the issue for the first 1.5 years before extending the warranty ("Ya know, things break!").  Even then, they just sent half working consoles that would break down very quickly as replacements.  They did a good job getting the press to get gamers to think they are the good guys even though they should have sent everyone redesigned fully working consoles.  Eventually, gamers will get tired of sending it back and will end up just buying an arcade unit and putting a drive on it and Voila - a new hardware unit sold.


Now I'm not saying that Sony's reliability track record is much better, but MS is hardly the angels that people want to believe they are in the way they handled everything.  In reliability, Nintendo is the only one I do trust.


Ditching the fanbase mid generation that is not in lock step with Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable, and Kinect is the reason I won't be getting the next Xbox.  I spent alot of money on a console that I thought would have a jRPG future when LO and ToV were released just to be kicked to the curb.  I even said the Xbox 360 was my favorite console a few years ago. 


Next generation (this generation with Wii U), it's Sony and Nintendo for me.  And the fact that the rumors are getting stronger about always online and no used / borrowed games reinforces my position.

MS is hardly angelic. But Sony has had issues with both PS1 and PS2, that they deny to this day. Onwers literally had to sue them to get them to do the right thing. Too see fans act as if they are the masters of bulletproof hardware is insulting.