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Psyberius said:

Bla bla I love sony, blah blah, Microsoft sucks, blah blah imaginary problems blah blah this has been said 10,000 times by all your anti-ms budies on this site 10,000 times now blah blah blah blah blah.

Thats what you just said.

The fact is that 10's of millions of MS users love the crap out of their machines.  The only people who have a "problem" with them are anti-ms.  Sorry but you're so blinded by your hatred that about anything MS that you're not even on the same planet as impartial.

Every single console has it's problems.  Sitting here going "do you trust microsoft?"  That's just anti-ms reprinted, regurgitated, redone, remade crap.


Oh, they all have problems, I won't deny that.  all companies have screwed up pretty bad, but of the three, Microsoft's issues come across as the ones that make them the least trustworthy due to the faulty hardware, greed, and aggression.  

And seriously dude?  do you realize that your immature response is the kind of crap that makes all fanboys look bad.  The fanatical, ignorant, rude, blind "every criticism of my favorite console is a conspiracy" nonsense is why it's agaisnt the rules to use the term 'fanboy' on this forum.  I remember a time when "Fanboy" was a harmless, kinda silly way to describe someone who took something very seriously, now it's an insult to describe precisely the insecure, blind nonsense that you just spewed.  

Grow up.  Seriously.  This is why we can't have nice things.

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