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think-man said:
hsrob said:
Several unanswered questions.

Are we talking teams or individuals? If individuals then the presence of the GTA V staff alone at the conference could bias the numbers against Nintendo :p

Is the 11% for PS4/Xbox combined or each?

Anyway it amounts to just less half the development resources of the current-gen consoles but I'm more concerned with the quality of developers rather than absolute numbers. i.e. i wouldn't be concerned if their 5% is the best 5%, but it's horrible if it's only the worst 5%.

I would imagine this survey is going to include 1st party developers too which is going to bias things in favour of MS (and Sony?) due to their North American base and large number of North American developers. Nintendo to my knowledge only has a couple of studios in North American.

Spose I should put source, but I included everything from the post so im unsure on your questions.

I didn't mean you failed to address those questions. I'm assuming you included the entire text, it's just the article left those points unanswered.

If the 11% is combined for PS4/ Xbox then all that tells you is that it is taking developers a while to move over to the new consoles.  I know the Wii U dev kits have been around longer but it's not unreasonable to assume the some developers would only start looking to new consoles when all three are ready.

If these numbers do include 1st party I would be very curious to see what the numbers would look like if first party was excluded.

Anyway, I guess I will just have to continue to wonder.