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Psyberius said:

You need to figure out how to stop alienating them first.  That honestly isn't going to happen when like 20% of posts are anti-ms and often aren't even close to being based on fact.  Just the people blasting Ms Live alone number in the 100s and most of them don't or haven't even use it.


This honest to god is my day when i come here.

1. I pop the thumbnail in chrome,

2. check the threads i've posted in

3. see a bunch of anti-ms.  

4. Check the numbers if they've been updated.  

5. Check the major topics, see a bunch of anti-ms crap like "What is MS going to if or when XBOX 720 has a bad Christmas this year?"

6. Check out some of the threads that aren't even related to MS, see a bunch of comments on how something is better than Xbox

7. get eye strain from all of the times I've rolled my eyes so far

8. avoid posting even a single new thread because it'll generate more anti-ms posts or comparisons to ms which isn't really on topic,

9. feel a headache starting,

10. pop a thumbnail to another site before I get a migraine from all of the baseless, needless, exagerated, repeated, frou-frou comments against ms that come up on an average day.


Are you really so delusional to think that the Microsoft hate is unwarranted, baseless, or needless?  They go out of their way to nickel-and-dime customers WHILE flooding their homepage with ads; they cared so much about beating Sony to the punch that they gave us a terrible, terrible, faulty system, they strongarmed developers into exclusive deals, they have practically no quality exclusives anymore outside of the dudebro games like Halo, Gears of War, and Forza (some quality stuff for download though.)  Not only that, but they've all but abandoned gamers in lieu of trying so very hard to cater to the casual crowd Nintendo attracted by giving  us shitty games on an impressive but underutilized motion control device.  How is ANY of that criticism unwarranted?  

AS you can see from my Signature, I have and have loved all current systems, and I certainly have my favorites (PS3 in first by a wide margin), but that doesn't mean my opinions or observations are biased or unfair.  

All the companies have made considerable mistakes, but Microsoft is the only one that seems to genuinely dislike its fanbase.  Nintendo moved on and failed to deliver, and Sony had some major issues, but didn't do anything to actively fuck over its fanbase.  I can't say the same for Microsoft.  

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android