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I can't believe someone could write an analysis about NPD console hardware numbers for last month and fail to mention Blu-Ray even once. Or call the 360 a "failing brand" based on one month of sales in which the PS3 outsold it by 39 thousand units when for the previous four months the 360 outsold the PS3 by 408 thousand in September, 245 thousand in October, 304 thousand in November, and 462 thousand in December.

As for your comment: "360 wouldn’t be able to survive, even in America" are you kidding? It's already a hit in America just based on software sales alone, didn't you look at the top 10 best selling games for January when you were doing your analysis?

Also I don't get your comment about the 360 being in short supply for November (was it?) and what does that have to do with January? You're claiming Microsoft is pulling a "coverup" but do you have anything at all to back up your claim? People were talking about Xbox 360 shortages (Premiums and Elites) well before Microsoft ever came out and said anything. NeoGAF for example had a thread that had people from various parts of the U.S. finding the same thing.

Tell you what, come back when NPD releases their numbers for April and May and claim again that the 360 is a failing brand in America (you'll understand what I'm talking about when those numbers are released).