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At least this OP has paragraphs.

phenom08; "Its funny, we always see fans of other consoles say WiiU has no chance but when ask them when exactly will either of the other two pass the WiiU, they become silent. Are they afraid or something?" Against my better judgement, I'm gonna bite on this one.
Perhaps people don't want to draw conclusions based on nothing at all? We know nothing of the next xbox, we don't know exactly when the PS4 will launch, its entire launch line-up or the price of either console. Just because someone doesn't give you an exact date when a new console will catch another, doesn't mean that they don't have faith that it some day will.
What about you? Do you honestly believe that the Wii U can hold the PS4 and 720 at bay with these horrible weekly figures?
You stated in another thread that "when the PS4 sells worse than the Vita, 3rd parties will be forced to support the Wii U", this sort of indicates that you have absolutely no idea what so ever about how anything works and your overall tone in the last months lends more creedence to my theory that you're in here simply to rile people up and cause aggravation. I refuse to believe that anyone can truly believe this nonsense and argue like you do without this very agenda.
You make your own highly exaggerated foregone conclusions based simply on wishes and wet dreams and then go on to attack others for refusing to do the same? Good job, buddy.

At this point though, I don't think anyone is "afraid" of the Wii U's weekly sales. There is no way you can spin this, not even the most diehard fan can; the Wii U is not headed for greatness by all looks of it.

PS: A 400$ pricepoint is not bad at all for a consumer electronics product, people gladly shell out more for phones, laptops and tablets and spend more than ever on TV's stereo's and other hi-fi gear. Besides, no one has ever claimed that the PS4 or 720 will "revitalize" the industry, that's your strawman for the day (or hour, we shall see), they'll likely just carry on current trends and traditions.