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dahuman said:

OK I just broke the game, I had my daughter go Dark Flier for Galeforce, then Merc for Armsthrift, then Sword Master for Astra, the by the time I made her into a Sorc, her luck is already maxed out by default at 48, then I paired her with a family member at rank A relationship, boosted her luck to over 50, then forged my most powerful dark HP drain tomb that will now never break and she's running around 1 hitting everything with high dmg, high crit, and draining hp at every hit on top of Astra proccing left and right with no weaknesses, fucking GG LOL.


Morgan with Rightful King, Pavise, Aegis, Vantage and Lethality is the best if you want to troll streetpass people. 

They would be scared to fight you. (Morgan uses forged Aversa's Night) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)