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Please don't let Infamous SS be staggered within the launch window, its the system seller for me. I still want Killzone SF, too but I want Infamous more.

I know its been normally done that way, but does the launch really need to be staggered? I remember Vita having maybe one of the most solid launches, but Sony attempted to stagger the releases and everyone screamed "Slow to release" and "No GAEMZ!".

It might not be so bad to just explode as soon as you launch with several big hitters. This would encourage right off the bat early adopters who are fans of certain franchises to just jump in. If the fans have to wait for their games of choice to hit months later it will slow down the sales, giving an impression of not doing so well, which in turn will scare off early adopters as they will hesitate.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)