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Kasz216 said:

That's exactly what I said... had you bothered to read.  Hence why they don't have any DDR3, when the PS4 would  work better with 6 GDDR and 2 DDR3.

As for the above... you wouldn't need any more GDDR5 then you would on the graphics card to get any benefit out of it.  That's why you don't see ANY computer architecture out there for it.  It has no use... even if you wanted your PC to be purely dedicated for it.  Otherwise you'd see at least some computer designs that would.

Since the PS3 is essentially the same as a computer with an integrated graphics card.  (Though a much better one then currently offered integrated graphics cards.)

Having no DDR3 won't hurt a gaming machine much,(but does some) it doesn't help it however.

Is pretty informative on the whole thing... since our resident tech expert mod has more or less said "Fuck me, personally explaining stuff since it will just frustrate me because nobody is going to listen and continue to talk nonsense anyway. "


and Flaming people have been against forum rules, for like... forever.  Calling people trolls as well.  You may want to review forum rules if you want to stick around the website for a while.

You don't see any PC architecture with only GDDR5 RAM because that RAM is much more expensive. Also PCs are modular, so it is a more cost effective approach to split the RAM and in case to upgrade one piece (DDR3 RAM) or another (graphics card with GPU and GDDR5). 

Consoles instead are closed boxes. Once they are out they stay the same forever. Thus it makes sense to go straight with an unified RAM architecture. Out of those 8GB most games at the beginning will use 4 or 5 GB the most. The rest will be unused by programs (games). Just a buffer/cache for I/O. But with time games will get bigger and the PS4 will have already the GDDR5 RAM needed to accomodate their graphics data, the one taking most of the space.

Sony has been bashed already for its split RAM approach in the PS3. They didn't want to follow that road anymore. Now the PS4 has plenty of unified memory to accomodate any game for a long time. CPU computation will be slower, and the cost raises, but it is a good design for a product that is meant to last 10 years. Because, unlike PCs, consoles must be designed for a long longevity. That's why it is laughable when people ask to use GDDR5 system RAM on their PCs. There was sarcasm in what I wrote.

As for the flaming, I never mentioned PC gamers, I always wrote "PC trolls". Trolls are the beasts of the internet, I just defined them for what they are. Anyone taking offence in those words must have a guilty conscience.