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New PC's up and running. Downloading steam games, and watching a tv show as I type this.

I had to make a few last minute changes while ordering things. The ram that I originally planned to purchase was discontinued and now goes for 70$+ anywhere I can find it. So I went with this similarly spec'd 1.5V ram:


Two free games, 60$ less, held up well in benchmarks comparisons... I caved.

Don't know how but while putting everything together, my power button got jammed. It won't push. Can't get into the area where the button is so I'm not sure how I did it and why the other two buttons adjacent to it are perfectly fine. Not 100% sure but I think I remember being able to press the button just fine before I started so I'm sure it's me and not CM. I'm able to turn it on by pressing the power button on the mobo but if I'm not able to fix the button I'll just sac the fan led light button (unless that's not possible for some reason)

4 ≈ One