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Otakumegane said:
Conegamer said:
Smeags said:
Mr Khan said:

That would be an epic troll, and just further confuse people who don't play Fire Emblem and had doubts about Marth's gender in the first place.

I do love how Fire Emblem pokes fun of its own character design by having actual characters confused on other's genders because of their hair length.

Chrom is a shoe-in for Smash Bros., and I'm hoping that Lucinda takes Marths place. But of course just being a reskinned Marth (and having his masked costume be an alternate costume.)

I think this is the most likely scenario, but having a character change gender right before your eyes would leave Nintendo open to...questions, let's just say.

Well they did it with Samus.

Samus was always a girl, though. You never saw her face, and it was made pretty clear in the Subspace emissary as well.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.