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I see that a lot of people are saying that the wii u doesn't seem to appeal to casuals. But how is it supposed to? No one know about it. How can you sell something to someone when they don't know that it exists, or what it is for that matter? Also, the console has no games in the wii franchise, no wii fit, no wii sports and no  wii party. They got a few games for casuals (sing, just dance), but does that really matter if the demographic they are selling it to doesn't know that the wii u is a thing? 


Assuming that nintendo manages to convey the message of what the wii u is (make a good commercial, "wii would like u to play" or something), and they make a wii sports, and they give some commercials for that game and wii fit, can nintendo get the casuals back, or are they lost forever?