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Ok guys, listen up! There seems to be a (number) of problem(s) with the site!

It looks like we (as an online-community) are being attacked!

I don't know who/what/where it's all happening but everything that i've seen suggests that it is targeted mostly towards AoA (ArtsofAngels)... A respected member of this online-community.


Things that i've notices:

1) Since that the mods banned this guy he's been spamming people's profiles.

2) The site runs VERY slowly (+- 30 seconds to refresh a page).

3) I get really strange pop-ups. (Advise: Put your pop-up blocker on, firewall on, etc...)

4) A few hours ago, when i went to It said that it didn't exist. Instead of this site, it opened a domain-registration site. On which i could purchase the rights for this site, so somehow, someone or some guys are taking down this site.

5) Some members that have their e-mail notated in their profile have been getting a lot of spam mails from an unknown source...




My conclusion: Someone, or some guys are attacking this site.

Maybe it's just a computergeek who's trying to take this site down... I don't know!


But everyone who has some intelligence in computers, savety of protecting personal data etc... Please post here and give your advise so that all the members can take precausive actions! 


Thanks for reading and contributing. Please make sure this stays a well-respected site, StarcraftManiac!