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you know, I know you're not a 'fanboy', and in fact I agree with every point in the OP, but you certainly come across as a fanboy. Or, an anti-fanboy.


I fully admit that, at the beginning of this generation, I was a total PSWii fanboy. The Wii took me over right out the gate, I always loved Nintendo, and despite the aggressive attitude towards Sony's PS3 in its early years, I always had faith they'd come through. I hated Microsoft with a passion, mostly because it seemed that it was only Xbots who were so aggressively attacking the PS3 (occasionally with good points, not often though). Even last gen I constantly had to deal with my friends who all were trying to tell me that The Xbox was better, had better games, and was selling more.

I tell you, whatever Microsoft is putting in the Kool-Aid to make such ravenous zealots needs to be either eradicated or shared.

So yeah, I fully admit that the period between 2004 and 2008 I was totally anti-Microsoft and pro sony/nintendo. However, things have changed. I bought an Xbox because I was being harassed by a friend to get one (he offered to pay half for the console and a year of Xbox Live). So, in my eternal desire to only be positive, I managed to convince myself that the Xbox was okay, and that there was no need to be a fanboy. I mean, I already had a Wii and PS3 and I loved them both, and I did love the Xbox's controller. I wouldn't say I ever fell in love, but I came to appreciate what Microsoft had to offer. The PS3, despite having an abysmal first couple years, was finally gaining some steam and the Wii, despite having an outstanding first couple years, was slowing down, so there was a period between 2008 and 2010 that I honestly loved all consoles equally. Yeah, even despite my Xbox red Ringing on me, I was able to forgive because of the games I was enjoying on the system. Hell, I even put in hundreds of hours on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with my brother and friends.

But then, things changed again. the whole console landscape changed. After having a period of over two years where I genuinely loved all three consoles pretty much equally, I came to realize some stuff from a fully objective standpoint. I came to realize that there was no good reason why Microsoft was charging for Xbox Live when I got a comparable service free of charge over on PSN (and outside of cross game chat, it's almost identical), and a superior service was offered through steam for less (and with better deals.) I came to realize that, even with the warranty, there was no reason anyone should be 'okay' with the Red Ring of Death debacle. I came to realize that, despite all the claims that PS3 had no games, it actually had the most. (shared many multiplatform games with Xbox and was a close second to nintendo in as far as exclusives were concerned.)

And now, after having owned each system at least 5 years, I realize that, honestly, I can't imagine anyone chosing Xbox over PS3 and/or Wii.

Now that this generation is pretty much over, I've found the following to be true:

1 - Nintendo hasn't released anything significant on its Virtual console since 2008.
2 - Nintendo has averaged about 2 'outstanding' games per year since 2008.
3 - Microsoft has practically nothing in the way of exclusives outside of Halo, Gears, Fable, and Forza.
4 - Microsoft charges for something that is free elsewhere.
5 - Microsoft destroyed Sony in terms of hardware failures, and that's hilarious after how bad the PS2 was.
6 - Microsoft has averaged 2 outstanding games a year since 2010 (or something, I don't have the math laid out)
7 - Of all the consoles, the only system I still play is the PS3
8 - Of all the consoles, the only system who has a future is the PS3.
9 - Of all the consoles, PS3 has the most in terms of quality games between multiplats, exclusives, and digital.

I want to like all systems, I truly do, and my plans involve having a Nextbox, PS4, and WiiU, but right now I have a very, VERY clear heirarchy based on history, current goodwill, and reliability. I know I will get a PS4, I hope to get a WiiU as soon as possible (I trust nintendo to bring the goods), and While I plan on getting a Nextbox, I have no rush to do so.

Concerning all the points in the OP, I can't find any real arguments. I'm sure if I combed through it I could find some holes in the logic or exemptions to the statements, but still. Microsoft has messed up bad this gen, going form what was the most dominant force to be reckoned with to a joke. the fact that they've focused so much on the Kinect tells me that they are not the kind of console I want to use. if I want gimmicks, I'll go to Nintendo; at least they deliver quality with their gimmicks. If I wanted to play something online, I'd go with Sony since online play is free (at least for now). if I wanted digital games, well, the Vita and PS3 have been giving me the most happiness lately, and offer outstanding cross buy deals.

I chose not to actively support Microsoft because I don't like their business practices, I don't like the "nickel-and-dime' mentality they seem to evoke, and I don't care for their exclusive titles. I can't even argue that 'all my friends play xbox so I should too', because all the gamers I knew either migrated to PS3 or got both. I have no reason to go with Xbox, other than the fact that I am a game reviewer and I want to be professional, unbiased, and versatile. If not for the game review gig, I honestly think I'd be comfortable avoiding NExtbox entirely, and even if I do get it, it'll be after a redesign or price drop, becuase right now, I just don't trust them to give me a functional console.

I know I sound like a fanboy, but I want to like everything. It's not my fault microsoft makes it hard for me to support them.

Also, nintendo has 3DS and Sony has Vita, both are awesome and have some cross system functionality or potential. if I buy an Xbox, I get nothing as deep as that. As it has been, I am a sony and Nintendo guy. it's up to Microsoft to change that. The ball's in their court, they need to bring their A-game.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android