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CChaos said:
yo_john117 said:

Wow I didn't know that about he nether world. I guess I don't really have to worry about it though since the maximum amount of blocks from one end of the map to the other on the 360 version is far less than 1,000 blocks lol. It also sounds like the railways go significantly faster in the PC version.

I'm hoping they'll eventually expand the world size for you guys. 1000 just doesn't seem like enough. *chuckles*

The rails go pretty fast if you set them up right. If you place a Powered Rail every 38 blocks, you maintain a constant speed of 8 squares per second, the fastest you can go in the game without flying around in Creative mode.

Gods though, for me, the Nether Rails were necessary. The map that I export through JourneyMap, the map mod I use, is actually sitting at 18,416 x 11,760 pixels at present. That would be enough to wallpaper a wall with just my map. heh My two bases that are furthest away from each other right now are x=2972 (A Snow Fortress) and x=-6192 (The Tower). So about 9100 squares from each other. It's getting so big that it just became a necessity if I didn't want to just be traveling everywhere instead of actually playing. hehe

Dosen't the PC version of Minecraft endlessly expand as you explore it? Either way that is a heck of a map size, I can see why a nether railway system is virtually mandatory at that point!

As for the 360 map size I say what we have is mostly big enough lol. Still takes forever to go anywhere via running. I wouldn't mind it if they increased it a bit (maybe doubled it at the most) but what I really want is for them to increase the ceiling build height. Right now it's at cloud level which IMO is far too low.