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phenom08 said:
Carl2291 said:
Youve been on a bit of a roll with your Sony/Nintendo threads since PS4 announcement. Whats up?

This particular blip is meh. Im surprised by it though. Id have thought it would be the opposite. The PlayStation 4, a console that none of us have actually seen, already has better third party support than the Wii U. Developers are onboard. Thats what matters in the long run.

Innovative new controls, improved DualShock, development ease, games that graphically blow everything away and a release window. Sony are onto a winner

Thats what you saw, what investors saw was PS3 situation once again. Which wasnt good for investors lol. Expensive price tag and none of those games will push hardware lol. What exactly is your proof of better 3rd party support by the way? Destiny? Final Fantasy? The ports? Neither was announced as exclusive and both will probably be on 360/PS3. That wont help PS4 at all lol.

Investors are a fickle bunch. The views from the gaming press and many people are "machine sounds cool" but want to see more. Investors are looking..."hmm ... shares are going to drop after they went up... sell sell sell".

The proof in the pudding is E3 and then once the device sells when its launched. If there are queues and people are struggling to get one, then shares will go up... if it sells poorly... guess what shares will go down.