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Sadly, I believe that the PS4 will be Sony's demise if they do not change their business model and marketing strategy.

As seen through the press conference, Sony is focusing on the core gamer, much like the Vita, and it will turn against them. Furthermore, the system will be over 40 000 yen, judging by Japanese reports. Consequently, the system will not be competitively priced for the mass market where Nintendo and Microsoft offerings will be available at a cheaper price. In addition, next-generation games will also be available on the PS3 (Watch Dogs, Destiny, etc) - Sony has failed to convey the message as to why the consumer must jump on the next generation hardware, the PS4, if it offers nothing more than better graphics and social interactions, doing so at a premium price - it needs that 'I have to have it feature' - much like the Kinect and the Wii remote did to their respected consoles.

Nonetheless, it's too early to judge as we only know a small fraction of the bigger picture. Sony needs to bring their 'A' game, and that goes for Nintendo and Microsoft as well for E3. It will be very interesting.

Nintendo shares are up on the fact that the PS4 hardware will be expensive compared to the Wii U thus giving Nintendo the advantage in price point for the consumers.