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While I enjoy the occasional platform adventure game. I will freely confess in the modern market they are lacking the replay value that other gaming genres provide, and that said with the price being fifty or sixty dollars its hard to justify the purchase. Basically I don't want to spend sixty dollars on something I will play for twenty hours, and leave it to rot on a bookshelf, because I can't get motivated to play through again. The experience gets stale that fast.

I have probably purchased half a dozen platformer games in the last ten years, and without an exception they have all shared that particular fate. They entertain me for a week, and then I never touch them again regardless of how good they were. I know the Nintendo fanatics will deny it, but if they bought Galaxy that game will enjoy the same fate. They burned through it and will probably never touch it again.

That said it is nice to read that Rare is at the very least is going to implement a multiplayer feature in this game, and more importantly they are trying to be innovative in the games direction. For those that are fans of the genre this is nothing less then a very good sign. Remember how effective Goldeneye was at opening up the FPS genre on consoles?

The genre is as stagnant as a genre can get. Small third party developers aren't delivering the quality needed for various reasons. Nintendo knows how to polish, but they are too conservative. Nintendo is firmly following the KISS philosophy. Not fixing what isn't broken is rather smart, but its not going to make the market grow.
Rare on the other hand might open the genre up.

For years I have always hoped that some day we might actually get a solid platformer where we can go head to head in a typical single player level against seven guys trying to accomplish an objective. Imagine playing capture the hill in the first level of Super Mario 64.

The possibilities are staggering. Long jumpers knocking the other guy off the platform. Another guy has swallowed a magic mushroom making him a giant stomping on the other players. Another guy has used a shrinking potion and has jumped onto another players back as a time bomb thirty seconds later. Basically if done right it could be a truly revolutionary experience, and it would be pretty damn fun adding months of replay value. The best elements of a Halo 3, Brawl, and Mario Galaxy. That my friends would be an outstanding formula, and we may be at a point where the technology could really handle it.

I really hope that Rare goes in that direction, and I hope its not just tacked on mini games, but at least those mini games that Rare has conjured up in the past wouldn't be bad either. I remember a certain storming the beach mode in Conker that was a real hoot.