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I don't really know why the 360 didn't dominate. I can only speak of my person tastes. I've always seen it as the Shooter box, I'm not used to the controller, and my hands are small so the Dualshock fits perfectly. But that's not really why I never bought the Xbox 360. I didn't buy it because of the Internet price tag. When Microsoft placed a price tag on the internet, it felt unreasonable. I played a lot of single player games and meeting new uninteresting people online (dicks sometimes with huge egos) was never my priority--less playing with them.

I wanted a machine with beautiful HD graphics and JRPG stories from the the early Final Fantasy series, Grandia 2, Chrono Cross/Trigger & immersion like what I felt from Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 1, & Fatal Frame. I wanted more than a cross-hare in middle of my screen; hence I went with the PS3. The machine cannot do everything, and what it does, is not very well supported from the software prospective. If they can fix that this following generation, I'll probably buy the PS4. My internet should remain free (that includes the movie/music streaming applications). Why pay for this when TVs can do it now for free. It seems silly, I hope Sony understand this.