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ninjablade said:

ps3 was 499$ and 599$, it had the 360 at 299$-399$ with better looking games, thats what really hurt ps3 and when it all said and done ps3 will hit 90 million, not bad.


Well the PS3 is currently like 70 million compare to the 3DS current 30 million.

So I don't see Hardware Specs & Graphics meaning anything in this day & age if the 3DS is just 2 to 3 years away from out selling the PS3, when the PS3 has a 5 year head start on the 3DS.

And there's a big gap between the 3DS & PS3.

Clearly ninjablade is the only person to care enough about graphics & hardware specs to not buy other Systems.

But as I have always said; 3D will always sale more then 2D, as comparing the first year sales of 3D TVs to HD TVs confirms, and also compare the 2nd year sales and compare the 3rd year sales.

The only way a real Hardcore gamer would care about graphics is if it's IMAX, and NOT crappy HD.

HD is a piece of crap, call me when one of these video game systems has IMAX graphics for 2D gaming.