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after reading the netflix thread, i realized that the "home entertainment machine" is not a thing of future, but it is right around the corner. both the ps3 and 360 are positioned to be home hubs, and i imagine other companies will start negotiating deals with these console manufacturers.

the primary difference between the ps3 and 360 is the inclusion of blu-ray. now that blu-ray for all intents and purposes have won the format war, the ps3 seems to have a tremendous advantage over the 360. for just ~$100 extra, you get an HD player and a much more reliable piece of hardware. that's almost certainly well worth it.

the gaming library seems equivalent on those machines to the non-partisan.

why should the consumer who is ambivalent towards gaming on either machine choose the 360 then?

i think there is good likelihood the ps3 could start doing well in the US. maybe not so much in terms of game software sold, but in terms of hardware sold.


the Wii is an epidemic.