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Hmm, why no Call of Duty? The original I mean. It was the first proper attempt at WWII shooter with elements of realism, based on actual operations from the war and loosely on characters from real war stories. It also had incredible atmosphere and best and most manic pacing I have ever experienced in a game (till UC2) without being cheesy or over the top.
Its quite simply damn near perfect for its time and actually heaps better than Modern Warfare (which is also a great game, mind you), which has gained most of its popularity and reputation for having launched under the fortunate cirumstances it did where it reached the mass market and angry teens playing online shit-slinging campaigns.

The original CoD is kind of in the same boat as Half-Life; it worked wonders for the genre but is too old for the mass market to enjoy and thus they get credit they deserve mostly from nostalgics and PC gamers.