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zero129 said:
PlaystaionGamer said:
Turkish said:
My world is gonna be very Sony dominated in the coming years with the PS4 and Xperia Z.

im the same. im getting the PS4 and depending on how interegated the Xperia Z range is with it il buy a Xperia z tablet :P 

OT: il be getting the PS4 regardless as i know it will have the games i want. what i buy next is up in the air. i would like a WiiU but first i would want a tablet-redisn just to make it a little thinner and smaller (this wont afect why i buy one though). il feel as it im missing out if i dont buy one. with the next Xbox is really depends on the way Ms move forward with it. i brough both xboxs launch day and 1 was great, 360 was.. well, i try to pretend it didnt happen. if they launch the next xbox and it looks like the buisness model they have done with the 360 i wont bother at all. 

Why? the 360 eclipsed the original xbox in terms of everything? so why would you act like it didnt happen or not want it to happen? was it cos it cut into Sonys share of the market more so then the Original xbox??.

no the xbox1 for me was actualyl better then the PS2. the 360 didnt bring me any games i wanted, there first party games are no interest. i know there building there 1st party up so im hoping for lots and i mean ALOT of new IPs from them to get me on board. i just wishe they would do better and try harder for gamers next gen. i want games not 6 Halos lol.