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General Discussion - LOST!!! - View Post

stof said:
OandAPartyRock said:
I've learned wile watching season three not to think ahead cause nine times out of ten you don't have all the info on the questions till they tell you the anser. Saying that, I love lost and only have one thing to say. I think that sewyer is the one that is in the coffin, it just seems right to me.

 Actually, that episode suggested that Kate and Sawyer are in a relationship during that time period. . I think it was Ben in the coffin. Remember, these future flashes are over a long period of time, since one has a happy Jack visiting Hurly and not wanting to go back, and another has a bearded, suicidal Jack.

My prediction was that it's Ben. If it were Sawyer, At least one or two other people would have gone (Sayid, Kate, Any Island survivor), And even with them often clashing, Jack and Sawyer consider each other friends. When Jack says that he's neither friend nor family, that seems to me like he's referring to Ben. Oh yeah, and Artofangels sucks!

 Yeh, I though Ben at the time as well. I think that all of the Oceanic 6, with the exception of Hurley, are in Jack's group, I would guess the the others Micheal, Sun and Jin, Walt does not really count. Do you know when Micheal is coming back, cause he has been credited so far, so he must be in this part of the season for more than just a few episodes

 Great news that there will be 5 more episodes this season, and the missed episodes will be integrated into future seasons