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Michael-5 said:
tbone51 said:
Michael-5 said:

If Geno was a character....that would just be epic, but I don't see it happening, Nintendo is pushing for their own Mario RPG's (Paper Mario & Mario&Luigi) so if anything, Paper Mario could be a character, but I doubt it even that.

Honestly, I'd be happy if they just returned MewTwo, or brought Riley from Metroid in. Maybe make Riley a boss since she is so big.

Shulk is probably my most wanted, actually mgiht make it in, character.

you never kno, but i wont expect him! Shulk has a good chance! Monolith is an excellent developer (and retro studios) that deserve praise! Depending on when X comes out i say shulk or the Main character fron X (wii u) will make the cut!

I agree

Being on a most likely scale of terms of newcomers in SSB4! Top 5 (not my top 5 but most realistic) that will appear is Shulk/(X new character), Bowser Jr (He is so popular now and is bowser's Diddy Kong), Zoroark/Gen 6th pokemon, Little Mac/Takamaru (west and east representatives), and Isaac/Mattew from Golden Sun! Oh yea i forget zelda character! Ghirahim!