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General Discussion - LOST!!! - View Post

stof said:
But Munkeh, It's not just that the polar bear was in a desert, it's that it was an archeological dig and that the fossil was millions of years old. So unless the Dharma group invented time travel, the bear's final resting place/time must do with the physical/temporal space that the island inhabits.

 There seems to be a lot of stuff about time travel, that does just not seem to make sense. Personally, I don't feel that there is any time travel. I think that Dharma has been operating for a while, and perhaps the others are the members of Dharma who went there first, then split off. I am really confused, I need to sit down and watch the first 3 seasons again (waiting for the bd) to really make seen of it. What I don't get is that the writer have claimed that there is a logical answer to everything. But I don't get how the black smoke can exist and how there is wreckage of the the plane off the island. All that stuff with Miles in that house really confused me, even the picture frames changing, nothing in it makes sense.

a really good site for Lost stuff is lostpedia tones of crazy theories there