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General Discussion - LOST!!! - View Post

 These are more general spoilers than just season 4 spoilers (just ep 1 + 2), but I'll hide them anyway

The really annoying thing is that every time that the answear anything, they throw up a hundred more questions. Now we know that the freigters were sent to find Ben, but then it throws up the question again, who are the others? The main question is what is their relation to Dharm, I assume they were just the inhabitants, who threw Dharma out, but what were Dharma really doing there, and of course, the question of the button. Did it really just sort out the electromagnetic stuff? But what connection do the others have to the outside world

Anyway, the big question is whether the freighters are connected to Dharma, cause they clearly know something about them, from Charlotte's rection to the Hydra symbol on the polar bears lead. Why do they want Ben? 


It is all too confusing