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ChichiriMuyo said:

Piracy is given way too much credit for the PSP's weak software sales. The price of the games and the fact that the device does a lot more than just play games is really what hurts it. Only PSP games I've seen are Daxter and Castlevania X, because my roommate uses it more for its media capabilities (though he likes playing games on it just fine). Though he does want to hack it, he would still purchase worthwhile games if the opportunity arose.

Anyway, the PSP doesn't need to be saved. Handhelds traditionally have low attach rates and they'd be worse if you took Nintendo out of the picture, which is pretty much how the PSP has played out. Given that it's more than just a game device, it's actually selling fairly well. They'd like more, no doubt, but the system is so far only halfway through its life or so (maybe less, who knows) and it has already well outsold many a console so far.

Before long the PSP will have outsold any non-Sony, non-Nintendo piece of video game hardware, and if it does as well for the next 3 years as it has doen the last 3 then it will likely pass the NES in hardware sales. Hardly in need of a savior, I'd say. They just need to actually put good games on the system. Really, it's only a lack of decent titles that makes it look like such a joke. People could deal with it being a lower attach than Nintendo due t its nature, but selling more hardware than software some weeks in some places is just plain bad.

Ahhh... a lone voice of reason. :)

Yes, the PSP's software sales suck compared to hardware sales.  And as I've said multiple times, it's because the system is trying to be a 'jack of all trades' and is really a 'master of none'. 

The DS doesn't have any real multimedia capabilties built into the hardware.  It doesn't play music, movies, surf the 'net, etc.  Then again, Nintendo knows it's purpose and has a clear, focused message with their juggernaut.   The DS is a truly portable machine with games for all types and unique (for the gaming industry) interfaces (touch and voice).

Sony... well the PSP was envisioned to be the ultimate portable machine.  It plays games, movies, music, and surfs the web.  But the machine is kind of big for my pockets.  And I'm concerned about scratching up the system while taking it on the go.  And the battery life isn't really good enough for long trips.  And the games and movies cost a bit too much.

A friend and I have both systems.  My PSP mostly collects dust.  I break out the DS for routine gaming on the go.  His PSP mostly plays music and pod casts.  He plays the DS on occasion.  Neither of us pirate PSP games.

Oh and before I forget, yes both games should be able to sell 1M copies.  It would be a very sad day if they don't reach those milestones.

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