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Maris said:
Mazty said:
RolStoppable said:
Mazty said:
Chrizum said:
You're on a holy quest to get people drinking or something?

Just educating the masses. Drinking doesn't have to mean getting drunk, it can just be the same as enjoying a good coffee. 


I don't like the taste of coffee.

Neither do I. Point?

You don't drink something you don't like the taste of, correct?

Have you tasted the many, many different varities of alcoholic drinks? Or just making a vast generalisation based on ignorance? (FYI ignorance means lack of knowledge - it's not an insult). I don't like coffee, but if someone was to offer me a type I'd never had before, I would have to give it a try or I'd be just the same as a kid not wanting to taste other vegetables because he doesn't like sprouts.


BasilZero said:
I dont like the taste either

You completely ignored my first post. I'm guessing your conclusion is also based on ignorance?