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sethnintendo said:
Dodece said:
Actually Sony has somewhat of a middling relationship with third party developers. It isn't anything like stellar at all. That was more the case a decade or so ago, but not today. Not after they released two overly expensive platforms that as a matter of logic reduced the amount of money consumers had to spend on games. How quickly we seem to forget that in the PS3s first year on the market Square openly criticized, and threatened Sony with the withdrawal of exclusives unless they reduced the price of their console, and they weren't alone in expressing this sentiment in public. Fantastic friends don't make a scene when everyone is watching.

Yes a number of developers literally bitch smacked Sony in public, but that was then, and this is now. Sony has somewhat gained back a little ground with developers, and while they are no longer treated as if they were special. They do seem to get treated a little bit more then fairly. They don't always get what they want, but at least they get heard out, and sometimes they get a little more leeway then Nintendo.

Which by comparison makes Sony look stellar. Nintendo just doesn't have any credibility with third parties, and it is with a very good reason in that they are a serial offender. Whether it is companies or people. Past behavior matters. How many of us know people in our real lives that swear they will not do it again, but we know full well not to trust them. Nintendo just doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.

Nintendo is actually courting the indie developers more than any console maker right now.  There are numerous indie developers that are pleased with Nintendo right now.  Nintendo should just keep courting the indie developers and let the major 3rd party developers do whatever the hell they want.  The most creative games usually come from indie developers while the major developers find an ip that sells and sequels it out till death. 

Its easy to court Indy devs, they need the expanded audience and they dont make major spec demands like larger developers and publishers. They dont have to expect much from Nintendo and Nintendo doesn't have to expect perks from indy devs either. In fact, indy titles would feel very nostalgic on a Nintendo platform on a psychological level.