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JayWood2010 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
True, the consoles are years behind the PC, but this is why the PCs don't come in generations and only the consoles are benchmarked against each other.

The WiiU is an upgrade to the Wii, but the Wii was in an odd position. The console hardware was dire, but the controller was pretty modern and no one had tried anything like it before, thus it was truly on the fence as it gave with one had and took with the other.

The WiiU however, is rather poor for today. The hardware is very dated, and compared to phones and tablets aka current technology, the pad is rather poor. This means it does nothing new, and nothing well AND could have been made 3 years ago, maybe 4 at a push. 

Now we don't know what Sony and MC will do and how advanced they will be, but going on the power of the WiiU compared to current consoles and demo'ed tech + rumours (the MC projector & the PS4 being a possible powerhouse), the WiiU is possibly going to look like the kid with down syndrome in the corner that tried too hard and just ended pooing himself rather than doing anything well.

Wouldnt it be the first to have a controler gamepad for a-symetrical gaming?  Im pretty sure that is new hardware.

Anyways if you dont agree with me that's fine, i respect your opinion.  Welcome to vgchartz btw :)

Yes, but that is neither radical, innovative, or technologically hard. If anything it is a step backwards. All you are doing is outputing a second image onto a very small screen rather than split screen, which actually requires less power from the console than if it was to do split screen due to small resolutions etc. It's an intresting idea, but to try to sell a console on that feature when everyone now has a smartphone, tablet, and/or laptop is weird and really risky. But hey, I'll guess we'll know for sure in a years time!

And thanks for the welcome :D