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thranx said:
Michael-5 said:

That's fine.

I've learnt that the USA just has a very....very different culture then we do. I corected your above statement because most people in Canada would react the way I mentioned, we talk about how owning a gun for safety is crazy sometimes. It's just a different lifestyle our countries have. We believe in resitution (let them get away, go to jail, and get help), where you believe in retribution (I'll kill you for thinking about harming me).

I think it's a bit nuts that you guys are so pro guns, but you probably think it's nuts that people in Canada feel safe without one, and with doors unlocked.

All I gotta say is that, the impression most Americans have when they come to Canada is that were all very nice people, and a bit of push overs (especially in smaller cities like Winnipeg). I prefer it this way over a lot of states.

No. That is not it at all. We believe in self defence, and that someone who is wants to hurt you will, they won't stop because you hide or run away.  Nothing to do with restitution or restributoin. Its all about self defence, from others, and from your government.

I dunno... You can shoot a burgler in the knee and diable him, but everyone who's aregued using a gun for self defence, has no problem killing the guy. Canadians believe in Self Defence too, but were not going to kill someone who is just trying to steal our stuff.

People don't as frequently break into someones house to harm them, and if they did, I doubt they would use a gun (They are psycho's and likely take pleasure in harming someone, or want to get back at them). In that event, there are other ways to protect yourself, murder shouldn't be an option.

Either way, it's a different culture, I guess Americans are just more okay with killing each other. Maybe you're desensitized to it more then we are? I don't think that's a good thing, but 9/10 people in this thread are American, and I bet Americans don't care about the opinions of Aliens.

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