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JGarret said:
Cobretti2 said:
JGarret said:
Cobretti2 said:
Roma said:
when Nintendo proves the system can sell with their IPs devs say they can't sell games because of Nintendo IPs and when Nintendo gives them room and not release their IPs, 3rd parties don't sell because the system did not have many Nintendo games to sell it. now Nintendo has to sell the system with their IPs so 3rd parties can sell their games -_-

this is fucked up!

You know very well that this is considered a conspiracy theory by people who don't own Nintendo consoles.

I´ve believed those 'theories' for a long time, though I can´t blame people for not believing, as some of them are indeed absurd (such as EA sabotaging their own games in order to justify to investors why it´s not worth it to develop for Nintendo systems).

Well they did get butt hurt about the whole Origin thing.

However I don't think they sabotaged MS3 but rather made a shit business decision in releasing it. The reason being that the other consoles got the trilogy pack released about the same time and at the same price as the one game that was 3rd in the series, which made it kind of pointless to own on Wii U.

Cobretti, off topic here, but I was checking this thread on gaf

And it seems there´s an insider who posts there and people really trust him with info..apparently, that rumor about no used games for the next Xbox just might indeed be true, check it out if you´ve got the time.

 I did read this info when it was posted on these forums.

My response to this was something along the lines of:

"This is why retro gaming market is growing in value as people have the freedom to play their games how they want when they want."

I also mentioned that this gen has pissed me of with patches and updates as it allows devs to be lazy and turn the general public into beta testers. The biggest problem I have is ot the fact we are the beta testers but how will I play my games 10 years from now (with my kids to show them what I had when I was younger), if I have no access to the patches again because the servers are down and I either uninstalled the game or my PS3/360 had died so I bought another one from eBay.

Essentially the main reason people liked console gaming over PC gaming was because in the past you just put in a game and it worked out of the box.

Saying all that, I have no problem with patches and updates on PC as well they are generally exe files you download that can be stored away as backups. So even if they go down from the internet I can always patch the games to work.