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Cobretti2 said:
DaRev said:
Nintendo says they are working with third parties and I believe that they are. I think Nintendo will form strong partnerships with third parties, especially in Japan, which I think will go a long way towards getting people interested in the console.

but there is more to game development that japanese third party. They need to get some of the major hits from 3rd party devs in the West.

Agreed, but I think support from the West is already there, it's just that right now many of those developers are making tough business decisions (like Ubisoft has with Rayman). Funny enough though, I think we have to see PS720  before we can see bigger 3rd party support for the WiiU. I think by then, the WiiU would have an even bigger installed user base and 3rd parties would be thinking to maximise sales of their next gen games by having them on the 3 new platforms, because having a new game on just 1 or even 2 consoles probably wouldn't yield the best sales. So I think 3rd party support in the form of the next Modern Warfare, Assasins, etc will be on the WiiU, because it wouldn't make much business sense not to be I think.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.