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I got an Xbox that first Christmas after it released. My mom went to the Dept store to go get me a PS2 but they were all sold out so she thought the Xbox was pretty much the same thing so she got me that and Halo. I openend it up on Christmas morning and was super ecstatic because I had recently played Halo at my Cousins house and I thought it was the coolest thing ever!

So thats like a month and a half after release. Btw I got a PS2 about 6 months later so that was like 2 years from its launch.

I got a 360 a little less than a year after its launch. That was the first time I saw it available in a dept store and it came with a free game. I got Call of Duty 3. Wow that game sucked lol but at the time i thought it had the greatest graphics ever.

I mostly play RTS and Moba style games now adays as well as ALOT of benchmarking. I do play other games however such as the witcher 3 and Crysis 3, and recently Ashes of the Singularity. I love gaming on the cutting edge and refuse to accept any compromises. Proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. Long Live SHIO!!!!