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Kasz216 said:
HesAPooka said:


As for bogus stats... they aren't bogus.  Actually if you look historically at homicide rates.  You'll note homicdes go UP after gun bans.  Not down. 

For a very mild example.

You realize, in the 4 years after the band, homicide rates stayed about the same in UK. That spike in 2003, is 7 years after the band, whatever caused it was probably not the ban on handguns.

Realistically, banning handguns won't do anything. People kill, not because they have the ability to do so, but primarily because a lack of morals, discipline, education, and drug/alcohol abuse. I'm not sure about global statistics, but most homicides in Canada are alcohol related. I think statistically, there are a lot more Manslaughter cases then 1st/2nd degree murder cases combined.

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