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You all know Studio Ghibli. The very talented Japanese film studio. I got bored lurking around the forums earlier so I decided to have myself a little movie marathon Thursday. Ended up watching 8 films, 3 of which being Studio Ghibli movies (Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky, and Porco Rosso). As I finished up with Castle, I got to wondering: what is my favorite Ghilbi film? After going through the list, it I still couldn't decide. It is actually more difficult than it sounds lol. So here are my top 3. Tie for 3rd as I could not pick either one over the over ^___^


1. Howl's Moving Castle: Story and writing are fantastic. The characters are really brought to life and have feeling to them. Animation, in my opinion, is the most impressive that Studio Ghibli has ever offered. The castle with all of the intricate moving parts is still a technical marvel.

3. Spirited Away: This one is probably the most emotional film that Ghibli has offered. Again, animation, writing and story are all fantastic (can be said about most Ghibli films) and is likely the most popular of their movies, with good reason. Probably the best english dub of any anime movie I have personally seen.

3. Porco Rosso: Didn't think this would make my list, being as I just watched it today. But after letting it sit on my mind for a good couple hours, Porco Rosso belongs at the top of Ghibli films. It is a bit older (1992) but still has all the same charm of Ghibli. The plot revolves around an Italian World War I ex-fighter, now living as a bounty hunter chasing air pirates through the Adriatic Sea. I won't get too much into the plot, but if you haven't yet seen this one, watch it as soon as possible. Amazing movie and the characters personality are some of the best that anime film has to offer.

There have probably already been older threads like this, but what are your top 3 films, and why? Were they just movies to you, or did you actually learn something valuable from them? Also are you looking forward to Ghibli's 2013 films The Tale of Princess Kaguya and also The Wind is Rising? Both are releasing simultaneously with each other.

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