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axumblade said:

Considering Nintendo are funding Bayonetta 2, I really doubt it.  I'm not sure if Wonderful 101 is being funded by Nintendo or not but Bayonetta has no real chance.

And with Rayman and Ninja Gaiden, are you really shocked about either? Both of those are put on whatever consoles will accept them.

Ninja Gaiden, kinda, just because i figured Team Ninja would just move on from there to make Ninja Gaiden 4 or whatever, and not bother re-porting a port (seems delightfully redundant. Especially since they really should just give current owners of the PS3/360 game the content, maybe for a nominal fee, without having to re-buy the game).

Rayman Legends the sting comes from the delay.

Wonderful 101 being an original IP, it would be harder to conceive of. Nintendo's got much more control over Bayonetta 2.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.