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snyps said:
riderz13371 said:
JWeinCom said:
I think the main reason I'm a Nintendo fanboy is because of the negativity against Nintendo. I've always loved Nintendo games, but when I had to start defending my choices towards the latter end of the cube days and throughout the Wii era, it's a bit hard not to become a bit fanatical, and even resentful of other consoles and/or fanbases. Hate breeds fanboys. True story.

What negativity do they get? All I can think of is their recent consoles lack power and that they continue to "milk" their older IP's.

C'mon really? Please tell me your trolling.  Some people pretend Xbox and playstation are cool but Nintendo is a kids toy.  Nintendo gets ignored by some when they come thru with a technical marvel because of a pretend stigma.

Nintendo doesn't have a pretend stigma, they are the equivalent of disney in the gaming world. When people grow up they either stay with disney some of the time but most move on to Universal. Even though Disney owns Pixar, that house is still superior and Dreamworks isn't doing bad either. They forced Disney away from 2D and made them focus on 3D. They made them look behind and as time went on to make themselves relevant and less kid and family friend only Disney bought Marvel and Lucas arts? Get the Nintendo analogy now? The market is expanding but when it comes to movies Disney's share id dwindling, so they are diversifying to be taken seriously. Wii U? coincidence? .........The world may never know.